Transfer Certificate Attestation
Transfer Certificate Attestation a type of attestation comes under the Non-Educational Certificate Attestation. Transfer certificate abbreviated as TC. School, college, universities, etc are the concerned authority of granting this transfer certificate to show that the student mentioned in the certificate was studied in their institution. The student should request to the designated authority of the institution for acquiring an authentic transfer certificate. Conduct certificate , character certificate and TC are the synonym terms of transfer certificate. It is a credential document which contains all information regarding the student.
A Transfer certificate is an official record which contains information like….
1. Name of the student
2. Admission no of the school
3. Date of birth
4. Date of leaving
5. Subject or class studied
6. Board of examination
7. Reason for leaving
8. Character and conduct
Transfer certificate is a non educational certificate, but it’s used in the educational field. In this attestation a mandatory authority will provide their official seal to make the document valid. By this process, you can make the certificate suitable for submission in the destination country. Transfer certificate attestation is needed for obtaining International education. If you are planning to take higher education from a foreign university or school, to take an admission from the institution you has to submit an attested transfer certificate in the concerned authority, which attested from the embassy which present in your home country. This legalization makes your transfer certificate more authenticate and prominent. Through attestation procedure your certificate becomes legally suitable to apply in the educational field. Obtaining attestation is not an easy process it contains so many legal proceedings.
Required documents for Transfer certificate attestation are :
1. Passport copy of the certificate holder.
2. Original transfer certificate
Both are necessary requirements for applying a transfer certificate attestation. The validity of the documentation depends upon the issuing country of this authentication.